Slender: i,e fuaimreagan caola
Broad: a,o,u fuaimreagan leathann
Caol ri caol, agus leathrann ri leathran
Homorganic Consonant Rule: Don't aspirate if it follows a consonant articulated in same place.
e.g. an taigh-òsta
gn = /gr/
cn = /kr/
female adjectives lenite; plural nouns add 'a/e' to the end. Slender plural adjectives lenite
gu + ADJ ---> ADV (gu glé fhuar)
Vocative case slenderize ending with 'i' and lenite init. consonant
Pòl --> Phòil
Seamus --> Sheamuis
Negative mì + ADJ e.g. gu mì-fhortanach unfortunately
Is/'S is very similar to ''=''
'S e Gàidheal a th'annam He is "equal" to that which is a Gael
ma is a conditional if. i.e. X ma Y => if X, then Y
ma tha (pos.); mur eil (neg.)
na imperative negator
imp.pol. -aibh
am + labial const.
an + anything else
GEN: m. an, f. na, pl. nan (unless following letter is different, then change)
Word order
present tense Bith + SUBJ + ag + VERB-NOUN + obj.GEN
modal modal + SUBJ + obj.NOM + a + infinitive
colàridh - comitative with (accompany)
aig - possessive with
le - instrumental with
à from; às from+DEM.Pronoun
Tha mi às an Eilean Sgitheanach
Tha mi à Uist
dhan = do + an (to the)
ann - in; anns (an) - in the --- occasionally "anns an" becomes "san/sa"
The preposition ann can be used to express existence
Tha dannsa ann a-nochd "there is a dance (on) tonight"
_Chan eil cèilidh ann idir - "there's no ceilidh (on) at all"
A bheil e ann? - "Is he there?"
Na h-àireamhan
a h-aon
a dhà
a tri
a ceither
a coig
a sia
a seachd
a h-ochd
a naoi
a deich (d^jex)
a h-aon deug (d^jeək)
20 fichead (lenite when used in numbers)
Ordinal: # + (e)amh
còigeamh 5mh
ficheadamh 20mh
X mionaidean an dèidh(after)/gu(till) a' #
còig mionaidean air fhichead gu 25 to
leth uair a' deibh h-ochd Half past 8
Tha mi cho sean ri mo lùdaig bliadhna nas she a m'fhiaclan - I'm as old as my finger and a year older than my teeth
a' còrdadh ri - pleasing to
airson (a dhol) + verb noun = desire to (want to go do) verb noun
Tha Pòl airson seinn
Tha a' chlann airson a dhol a chluich
Last Updated: 2017-11-05 21:48:56